Lifehacker har sedan länge tillbaka redan förklarat hur det ligger till och varför man inte ska använda verktyg som frigör minnet i datorer:
”Clean, Defrag and Boost Your RAM With SnakeOil Memory Optimizer
Just take a quick look at any download site, and you’ll find hundreds of products that claim to ‘optimize RAM to make your computer run faster’. Give me a break! Almost all of these products do the same things: they call a Windows API function that forces applications to write out their memory to the pagefile, or they allocate and then deallocate a ton of memory quickly so that Windows will be forced to page everything else. Both of the techniques make it appear that you’ve suddenly freed up memory, when in reality all you’ve done is trade in your blazing fast RAM for a much slower hard drive. Once you have to switch back to an application that has been moved to the pagefile, it’ll be so slow you’ll be likely to go all Office Space on your machine. Windows expert Mark Russinovich agrees:
‘At best, RAM optimizers have no effect, and at worst, they seriously degrade performance.'”
Så det är som Pär säger, sådana här verktyg ska man inte använda!
@agakhan: Det finns, men de är lika dåliga som dess motsvarigheter på Windows, och i utbyte mot att ”frigöra” minnet så gör de din mobil mycket mer instabil och ökar risken för krascha av alla dess slag.